Download e-book for kindle: Enterprise Resource Planning, Corporate Governance and by Hany Elbardan,Ahmed O. Kholeif

By Hany Elbardan,Ahmed O. Kholeif

ISBN-10: 3319549898

ISBN-13: 9783319549897

This booklet investigates how company governance is directing the interior audit functionality (IAF) version as a reaction to firm source making plans (ERP) platforms. up to now, there's inadequate wisdom in regards to the variations of the IAF, that are required whether it is to take care of its crucial function as a governance mechanism. This e-book extends the reader’s wisdom by means of exploring and theorising the variation of the IAF after ERP advent and issues in the direction of destiny traits. Adopting an institutional technique, it analyses how the IAF responds to the exterior governance pressures and the inner pressures of the keep an eye on good judgment following the creation of an ERP approach. that includes info from indexed businesses within the nutrients and beverage zone and huge banks working in Egypt, this quantity may be of curiosity to researchers and teachers within the box of financing and ERP platforms in particular. 

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Enterprise Resource Planning, Corporate Governance and Internal Auditing: An Institutional Perspective by Hany Elbardan,Ahmed O. Kholeif

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