Download PDF by Michele B. Fairbairn,Stephaney Jones-Vo: Engaging English Learners Through Access to Standards: A

By Michele B. Fairbairn,Stephaney Jones-Vo

ISBN-10: 1483319881

ISBN-13: 9781483319889

Use this six-part approach for measurable, cross-curricular EL achievement!

Expert learn, instructive tables and templates, essays, and real-life tales remove darkness from most sensible practices for cross-curricular, standards-based guide that will get results. 

Using the authors’ six-part have interaction version, you’ll examine to:

  • Establish a shared imaginative and prescient for serving ELs
  • Name the services to make use of inside collaborative groups
  • Gather and study EL-specific information
  • Align standards-based checks and grading to ELs’ linguistic and content material improvement 
  • Ground standards-based guideline in either content material and language improvement
  • Examine effects to notify subsequent steps

Use this groundbreaking consultant for measurable EL progress!

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Engaging English Learners Through Access to Standards: A Team-Based Approach to Schoolwide Student Achievement by Michele B. Fairbairn,Stephaney Jones-Vo

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