Download e-book for iPad: Crafting a Global Field: Six Decades of the Comparative and by Erwin H. Epstein

By Erwin H. Epstein

ISBN-10: 331933185X

ISBN-13: 9783319331850

ISBN-10: 9881424143

ISBN-13: 9789881424143

The Comparative and foreign schooling Society (CIES) is the oldest and biggest physique of its type, and is a pace-setter one of the forty four individuals of the area Council of Comparative schooling Societies (WCCES). This ebook celebrates the CIES' sixtieth anniversary.
The Society grew out of a sequence of meetings within the mid-1950s. these meetings have been attended through a small crew of students within the united states who have been willing to explain and extend their box. Now the Society has over 2,500 person and approximately 900 institutional participants (mainly libraries) round the world.
The ebook explains how the Society was once built and internationalized. It analyzes its improvement trajectory, its significant structural parts, and the courses and curricula that it has encouraged and nourished. the importance of the e-book isn't limited to the CIES. it is going to definitely curiosity opposite numbers in different WCCES constituent societies and students from all fields who're desirous about institutional buildings and their evolution.

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Crafting a Global Field: Six Decades of the Comparative and International Education Society (CERC Studies in Comparative Education) by Erwin H. Epstein

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