Download e-book for kindle: Crown House AQA Psychology AS level and year 1 by Nigel Holt,Rob Lewis

By Nigel Holt,Rob Lewis

ISBN-10: 1845909747

ISBN-13: 9781845909741

This re-creation of the Holt and Lewis AQA Psychology textbook bargains accomplished assurance of the hot AQA syllabus. Written via skilled lecturers, examiners and textbook authors, this revised version incorporates the alterations to the English AQA specification, with thorough assurance of either AS point and a degree 12 months 1. ‘Ask an examiner’ tricks and information, glossaries, net hyperlinks and exam-style perform questions offer every thing scholars have to research and be triumphant. This easy-to-read, visually enticing textbook additionally gains: reviews of key reviews, to motivate mirrored image and important research, reduction knowing and provides context; precise exploration of study tools, to assist improve analytical and mathematical abilities; ‘Ask an examiner’ tricks and assistance, perform questions and a piece on examination guidance and revision, delivering every thing scholars have to organize for his or her tests; lists of keyword phrases, QR codes and internet hyperlinks to assist clarify key matters, rigorously selected photographs to advertise debate and dialogue and support rules stick, colour-coded fabric for ease of use and checklists to collapse every little thing you want to understand for every subject, essentially pointed out a degree in simple terms fabric, permitting it to be simply exotic from AS material.

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Crown House AQA Psychology AS level and year 1 by Nigel Holt,Rob Lewis

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