Download PDF by Jeffrey T. Leigh: Austrian Imperial Censorship and the Bohemian Periodical

By Jeffrey T. Leigh

ISBN-10: 331955879X

ISBN-13: 9783319558790

This e-book analyzes the behavior of press coverage in Bohemia from the Revolutions of 1848 in the course of the interval of the Tábory, 1867-71. within the aftermath of the revolutions, the Habsburg nation, faraway from constituting an old relic, proved itself boldly cutting edge, inaugurating liberal reforms, most significantly the rule of thumb of legislations. whereas the reforms helped it to outlive its quick demanding situations, they still, fairly satirically, created an atmosphere within which the periodical press persisted to strengthen views emblematic of the revolution, even through the period of Neoabsolutism. This new felony atmosphere fostered the increase of the bourgeois public sphere, as theorized by way of Jürgen Habermas, and the very political events that may give a contribution to its dying, as signaled within the Tábory crusade of 1867-71. on the nexus of civil society and the nation stood the provincial Habsburg officers accountable for public order and safeguard. Their event used to be certainly one of endeavoring to stability the beliefs of the rule of thumb of legislation imposed by way of the Imperial heart and their very own very important issues concerning the survival of the Monarchy. This paintings, for the 1st time, concentrates at the position of those officers who decided what would—and may not—appear in print.  

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Austrian Imperial Censorship and the Bohemian Periodical Press, 1848–71: The Baneful Work of the Opposition Press is Fearsome (Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media) by Jeffrey T. Leigh

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