Read e-book online 101 Drill Team Exercises for Horse & Rider: Including PDF

By Debbie Kay Sams

ISBN-10: 1603421432

ISBN-13: 9781603421430

Build teamwork and sturdy horsemanship as you're employed via those enjoyable and worthwhile workouts. With essentially drawn area diagrams and step by step directions for every workout, your group turns into a cohesive unit as you move from uncomplicated skill-building drills to enjoyable and tough synchronized formations. Debbie Kay Sams even comprises 10 whole functionality exercises with choreography that comes with the abilities and routines you’ve mastered. prepare to dazzle the group at your subsequent event! 

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101 Drill Team Exercises for Horse & Rider: Including Three-Loop Serpentine, Cinnamon Buns, Carousel Pairs, Thread the Needle & 97 more (Read & Ride) by Debbie Kay Sams

by Jason

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